Friday, September 26, 2008

Quotes of real bozos
In light of the current economic bailout problem, that we are seeing in Wall Street due the bozos managed companies I decided to go ahead and look at what they say about themselves and their mission statements. Undoubtedly, I found bozos CEOs do have a sick sense of humor. These are still current quotes on these companies’ websites.

Washington Mutual
"You'll know it right away: We're not like other banks. We've always been about making things better for people—our customers, employees and neighbors."
– Right!

Fannie Mae
“Fannie Mae has a federal charter and operates in America's secondary mortgage market to ensure that mortgage bankers and other lenders have enough funds to lend to home buyers at low rates. Our job is to help those who house America.”
– Really? So, where are those funds?

Freddie Mac
“Freddie Mac's mission is to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the housing market.”
– Hahahahahahaha, sick, Freddie!

Lehman Brothers
“Our mission is to build unrivaled partnerships with and value for our clients, through the knowledge, creativity, and dedication of our people, leading to superior returns to our shareholders”
– I wonder what they meant by shareholders? Their board of directors?

Merrill Lynch
“Merrill Lynch demonstrates its commitments to clients and shareholders through the firm's emphasis on excellence, integrity and ethical behavior.”
– Until they don’t!

“Wachovia is committed to being the best, most trusted and admired financial services company. We carefully consider the impact of our business activities on shareholders, customers, communities, employees, and the environment. We leverage our social, economic, and human assets to deliver business results in a way that supports fair business practices and sustainability. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report highlights our social responsibility commitment and values in action.”
– You can decide on this one!

Last but not least, the greatest, sickest joke of all

US Treasury – Mission statement
“Serve the American people and strengthen national security by managing the U.S. Government's finances effectively, promoting economic growth and stability, and ensuring the safety, soundness, and security of the U.S. and international financial systems.”
– I wonder if Paulson ever read this. Anyhow, the biggest BOZO award goes to him.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

More about equal distribution of wealth

I know these comments are not going to be well received by many, but I am not trying to talk anybody down. I admire and respect the fact that we might have different opinions.

Just recently I read an article about this topic and decided I just can not let it pass without a reply.

I do not believe in equal distribution of wealth because it not only has been historically proven not to work, but also, I believe that it is a grave mistake. I would like to clarify first that the idea of helping others (to me) is not only a matter of “doing something good" but rather a matter of obedience to God. God’s nature is the one of a giver, and He teaches us that as individuals created in His image we do well in giving to others who have less than we do.

That said, I also understand that we live in a corrupt world, fallen from the original design that God intended for us. The sinful nature of man makes it impossible for us to live in a perfectly “balanced” world. However, God also gives us guidelines to live by and behave within the different social layers of this imbalanced society.

The idea that government should take the role of balancing the wealth among individuals is not fair neither has it worked. It does not make any society better because of the nature of man. That does not mean that we are doomed, certainly there is hope and things we can do, but that hope is not government.

The role of government is not to take from those who have more so that it can be given to individuals who have less. Government is not to force social ideologies or religion in any way. The hypocrisy of equal distribution of wealth being controlled by the state (Marxism) is that a few men decide what is best for the rest of the nation and thus impose on the many an ideology. Now, how is that equal if not all of us believe it is right? If you have any doubts, look at the Soviet Union, communist China, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, communist Vietnam, etc... All perfect examples of tolerance, freedom of speech, harmony, balanced economy, respect of privacy and religion, respect for human rights, and so forth... RIGHT?!

If something has been true about the examples above it is that government has spread equal damnation and poverty, not wealth leaving only a few in power who are controlling the nation’s wealth.

I think it is our duty as INDIVIDUALS to help others, donating our money and time to greater causes as much as we can, after one has taken care of his/her own family first. Private organizations and non-profit organizations historically have done a much better job reaching out in these ways than any government institution.

It is, however, perfectly fine for government to assist not only nations, but also individuals in times of great need (ie. In a time of natural calamity, etc.), which the U.S. has historically done better than others. I cannot say the same about our socialist European ”friends” for the most part.

We need the government to provide security, equal opportunity, and stability. We do not want it to babysit us, tell us what to wear, study, buy, or drive. Most especially, we do not want a government that decides when you have made enough money and now it is time to start taking it from you at an arbitrary rate (income redistribution). I am no rich person myself; in fact, I am far from it. However, if some of my friends become CEOs and make millions of dollars a year because of their effort and hard work, I will only applaud it and send them my resume ;-). Better, for them and those they can give jobs to. I hope that they become great givers then. That is the ultimate goal.

I didn’t always see things this way and it took me a while to detox my thinking, but it was clear to me after a few years in America, legally I might addJ, and saw the benefits of living in a country were hard work and determination can make the difference. Even with its flaws, this is a great place to live.

In conclusion, work hard and make a lot so you can give a lot. The role of government is to make it equally “possible” for every one, but not to dictate how is all going to happen. Otherwise, it becomes oppression.