Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is the church?

What images spring to mind when you read the word church?

  1. an angry preacher ranting about hellfire and damnation to an uptight congregation
  2. a gathering of hypocrites
  3. a boring place to which your parents dragged you as a kid
  4. a group of people who believe they're right and all those other churches are wrong
  5. the place where Fun goes to die

You can read the rest here:

It is a, good to meditate, short article.

Numi's take: Is sad when we forget the essence of things. The church is not concrete, wood, and metal. The church is the people that get together in the name of Christ to learn and grow about His will for our lives. "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body, which is the church, in filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions." (Col 1:24)

The magnificent, iconic, landmark structure is good for pictures, and might even attract people for a while, but like that brand new Mercedes, it wears off. It is conviction that keeps us people anchored and consistent, not iconic places.

So which one is the one in need of more attention and investment? the one with a mailing address and a big room we call sanctuary, or the people? Which one has probed to be more efficient when cared and invested on? What is the point in having a majestic building, if we have thirsty people which are spiritually limping, even though scripture has the miracle to restore and correct their "members". What is the point of churches of going into debt for something greater when there is already a sufficient place of gathering?

When I read the new testament I saw the apostles after Jesus died building churches, but no churches made of stone, but rather, of people. They meet in the catacombs during persecutions, and in private houses. The supper, was an actual pot-luck, and in that they remember Jesus gathering with their disciples. Paul emphasis was to preach the Gospel of Jesus crucified to pay for the sins of people, and teach them how to live their lives in a way that will seek God's glory. Perhaps the how to make a building for the church, book, was lost and still buried in the dead rolls pack too? ;-)

I am sad and tired to see people in the church with different problems in their lives which are already addressed in their bibles, to go to church and leave empty with just a couple of hymns, some cleric, and a bible read that they could have grab from their own bibles, this while the pulpit remains silent on those issues because the preachers, having been given the authority to give the practical application from the bible to the church's live (The People) are too afraid to get in people's case, or borderline in "legalistic".

Paul said to Timothy "Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe." (1 Tim 4:12) - In other words, don't be intimidated by no one because you are young, but speak these things I tell you above with boldness and try to be an example (Now this is the past that is hard). And Paul did instructed some hard things for Timothy to teach.

So, if there is adultery in the church, preach about it. If there are marriage problems in the church, preach about it. If disobedient children, preach about it. Work related problems, or lack of, preach about it. If there are temptations in the church, preach about it. Respect for the authorities, alcohol, abuse, etc... preach about these things. (Some of you reading might be now thinking "Man! what type church this guy goes to?) ;-)

The point is: Minister, look at your church and see what needs it has, and provide for those needs.

I go to church because I am spiritually hungry. If I don't get the food I am going to leave more hungry, and is not supposed to be that way. Yes, not every body will have the same issues and needs, but the boldness of the pulpit will enrich us all when we build people, and put the attention on the things that really matter, not physical structures. I have witness this in my 5 year old, while paying attention to preachers when they are serious about letting the congregation know the will of God for their lives, and this on stuff that doesn't necessarily applies to his 5 year old life.

Long time ago I visited a church that for many years was "renting" their space of congregation. I have never forgotten that sermon. It was around election day and the preacher brought the topic of abortion (a hot one). He explained why because of his conviction about what the Bible speaks on abortion, and pointed to it, and why he didn't think it was OK to support a candidate or leader of any sort that will lead our nation that supported abortion, and why he thought it was relevant at that time to bring these things up. He didn't name names, but it was obvious then what/who he was referring about. He even went to say to the church (The people) that he wouldn't have any problem giving up the church's "exemption" status, if it will come to that and speaking the truth as he has been persuaded by scripture. NOW, that's what I call preaching!. He used his authority, given by GOD, not men, to clearly state the will of God. You may disagree with him, or not, but this man knew who he was and what authority he had to speak while standing there. And yet, he didn't speak his own word, because nothing is new under the sun (except the iPad, and even that is just a big iPhone!)

See, playing catch with members of the church during "counseling sessions" is OK. But the pulpit is a place where as a preacher you have the authority, not to single out people's problem, but to address a general issue for what it is, and give practical application on how God wants for you to deal with it.

So less care on the concrete and more on the people. If not you'll end up with a nice engrave of your name in a building that no one will visit.